Indian Govt / Facebook Censorship on JKTV Page in India & the world

User feedback (1200m Indian & 220m Pakistanis vs 20m Kashmiris) is more important for the Facebook business then freedom of free speech and democratic values.


JKTV is the Project of RåFILM , resgiter non profit organistan in Sweden. JKTV Live was initiated in 2015 by RåFILM film collective in Malmö, Sweden, as an experiment to see if social media, especially Facebook, could be used for Kashmiri voices to be heard.

JKTV is an independent media organisation. Although we promote self-determination for the peoples of the state of Jammu Kashmir, including independence, we are not aligned to any particular political party. We provide news and commentary on the current situation in Kashmir.

Current Situation

We had 3-400k viewers on fakebook page a month but jumped to 52.8M after the full-scale occupation situation in Indian administered Kashmir on 5th of August 2019.

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